
Doors and Goats and R

 Mon, 18 Feb 2019 12:34:21 +0100 
In memory of Monty Hall – There's something about R
Some find it a common knowledge, some find it weird. As a professor I usually teach about Monty Hall problem and year after year I see puzzling looks from students regarding the solution.
The original and most simple scenario of the Monty Hall problem is this: You are in a prize contest and in front of you there are three doors (A, B and C). Behind one of the doors is a prize (Car), while behind others is a loss (Goat). You first choose a door (let’s say door A). The contest host then opens another door behind which is a goat (let’s say door B), and then he ask you will you stay behind your original choice or will you switch the door. The question behind this is what is the better strategy?

Jake Moomaw
 Mon, 18 Feb 2019 13:37:28 +0100 
That was a great read, especially since my wife watches Let's Make a Deal every morning.  I love R, but have barely scratched the surface of it.