
Bee Hive

 Sat, 13 May 2017 20:43:39 +0200 
#esc2017 This is what it is about... porn for lighting geeks.

#^PRG setzt innovative Technik beim Eurovision Song Contest 2017 in Kiew ein
by PRG Deutschland on YouTube

#^John van Look über das Rigging beim Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) 2017
by PRG Deutschland on YouTube

#^Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) 2017 Arena Tour
by PRG Deutschland on YouTube

#^M & M PRODUCTION - Eurovision Diary 2017
Welcome back to the Eurovision Diary music lovers!

My name is Ola Melzig, and I’ve had many different positions in the Eurovision productions over the years. My first one was as Technical Manager for lighting, video and rigging, I’ve also done two as Stage Producer. My funniest title was in Norway 2010, when I was ¨Technical Coordinator and Manager for the creative department¨. Longest title in the entire production! My two last Eurovisions, 2013 & 2016, I was the Technical Director.