

 Mon, 24 Nov 2014 00:12:38 +0100 
Over one week and I got two fully assembled mainboards, two completely new power supplies and I only have to plug in foolproof connectors according to the instructions, but I still have no working computer. o_O :-!
CPU fan spins up, power LED is on, hdd spins up, no video output, no blip. Have triple checked and replaced every piece to connect peripherals to the board and they are working. There is also no error blips when no RAM is installed at all. The mainboard instructions say I need 500W, I got a 550W power supply.
Can two fully assembled boards be damaged out of factory or is it not really foolproof? This is really depressing not finding out why it is not working.
 Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:02:58 +0100 
The staff treated me as a complete fool and told me I should better by a complete PC. :-/ At least they took it all back and I get the money, but now I am as far as I was already last week. :-(
William Mouck
 Mon, 24 Nov 2014 21:13:50 +0100 
I say keep doing the make it yourself way. Just spec read , trouble shoot tips read , and no peanut butter jam sandwhiches before assemble time. All best.