

 Wed, 07 May 2014 22:44:01 +0200 
One of the things I don't understand with Docker is why nearly all images are based on Ubuntu and I haven't found a way yet to search for images based on their base image.
Thomas Willingham
 Thu, 08 May 2014 00:31:55 +0200 
Is it not just short sightedness?

If I had a product with long term goals (which I do - this one), and any intention of packaging it (which I don't, because we have people who are already packagers), I'd be putting it in Debian.

If you put it in Ubuntu, sure, you've got it in a popular distro, but that's it.

If you put it in Debian, it takes a bit longer, but you've got it in Debian and all of Debian's offspring.

I don't trust anything that targets the flavour of the month.  They never last longer than that flavour.