
cognitive science and linguistics

 Thu, 01 Mar 2018 15:33:39 +0100 
#^'Don't retweet Donald Trump and don't use his language' | Americas| North and South American news impacting on Europe | DW | 21.01.2018

While Donald Trump's tweets are routinely attacked as false, this often only helps to spread his message, says cognitive linguist George Lakoff. So DW asked him how to best respond to the US president's fiery language.

Human brains and language are so defective.
Language activates an idea and a circuitry in your brain. And the result of that is every time a circuit is activated, its synapses get stronger. So the more you hear certain things, even if you just hear and understand them, the circuitry gets stronger.
 Thu, 01 Mar 2018 16:36:41 +0100 
Frequency studies are very productive in linguistic and literary studies. Its results are becoming increasingly interesting in the sociological field. This one that you share has an added importance: the character object of the study. Thanks for sharing it.