

 Tue, 14 Jan 2020 12:19:49 +0100 
#^Dare2Del - Learning to Delete: Forgetting of Digital Objects as Collaborative Task of Human and AI

Dare2Del is a joint project of Cognitive Systems, University of Bamberg and the Chair for Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Erlangen. The project is part of the DFG priority program Intentional Forgetting (SPP 1921). The first funding period was Oct. 2016 to Sept. 2019. The second funding perios is Oct. 2019 to Sept. 2022.

Focus of Dare2Del is to support employees in administration and production to regulate their digital knowledge by hiding and deleting irrelevant digital objects such as files or sensor data. Digital objects that have become irrelevant can hinder the search for information, delay decision-making processes, divert attention away from the actual task and thus impair work performance and well-being. With the ever growing amount of digital data, it becomes more and more important that employees are supported in getting rid of digital clutter (see, e.g. “Desktop Messie” Video, in German) and in avoiding digital hoarding (see, e.g. Zeit Online article, in German).