

 Thu, 24 Sep 2020 17:56:50 +0200 
#^DockerSlim - Lean and mean Docker containers. Smaller, faster, more secure and frictionless!

Optimize Your Docker Containers.

Don't change anything in your Docker container image and minify it by up to 30x making it secure too! Optimizing images isn't the only thing it can do though. It can also help you understand and author better container images.

Keep doing what you are doing. No need to change anything. Use the base image you want. Use the package manager you want. Don't worry about hand optimizing your Dockerfile. You shouldn't have to throw away your tools and your workflow to have small container images.

Don't worry about manually creating Seccomp and AppArmor security profiles. You shouldn't have to become an expert in Linux syscalls, Seccomp and AppArmor to have secure containers. Even if you do know enough about it wasting time reverse engineering your application behavior can be time-consuming.

docker-slim will optimize and secure your containers by understanding your application and what it needs using various analysis techniques. It will throw away what you don't need, reducing the attack surface of your container. What if you need some of those extra things to debug your container? You can use dedicated debugging side-car containers for that (more details below).