
Red Hat and deprecating KDE

 Mon, 05 Nov 2018 15:05:57 +0100 
Red Hat and KDE – Jonathan Riddell's Diary
Posted on 2/11/2018    
By a strange coincidece the news broke this morning that RHEL is deprecating KDE. The real surprise here is that RHEL supported KDE all. Back in the 90s they were entirely against KDE and put lots of effort into our friendly rivals Gnome. It made some sense since at the time Qt was under a not-quite-free licence and there’s no reason why a company would want to support another company’s lock in as well as shipping incompatible licences. By the time Qt become fully free they were firmly behind Gnome.
Mike Macgirvin
 Mon, 05 Nov 2018 20:18:02 +0100 
We used RedHat Pro at Symantec ca. 2006. The RedHat business model is providing "enterprise grade" software and providing paid support for it. The term "enterprise grade" has an elite connotation in the Fortune 500. PHP and MySQL didn't make the cut (although MySQL was allowed entry into this elite club after it was acquired by Sun).

You were either running Windows or RedHat and your software stack was Java and Oracle.
Waitman Gobble
 Mon, 05 Nov 2018 21:04:44 +0100 
i haven't been in the elite circle :) I had a 144k dsl line at 16k feet from the CO (that's about the limit they would go) and was hosting web sites on an NT4 server, back then everyone was still pretty much using dial up so nobody much noticed. MS email cost a freaking fortune though, so at first I wrote my own SMTP and POP servers using C++. But they weren't threaded and my mailbox strategy was screwy, so quickly I had to bail on that. This brought me to Linux, a way I could offer email for customers without paying per user costs.