
by zombies

 Mon, 09 Oct 2017 18:18:42 +0200 
#^Eliminating the zombie vulnerability – removing passive voice from the docs
If you can insert the words “by zombies” into a sentence, then that sentence very likely uses the passive voice. A colleague recently reminded me of this tip. It made me laugh, and so I thought it’s worth blogging about. If only to share the chuckle.

Here are some examples of zombie-infested sentences, and their equivalents using active voice.

Example 1
Geographic requests are indicated by zombies through use of the coordinates parameter, indicating the specific locations passed by zombies as latitude/longitude values.

Converting passive voice to active:
You can use the coordinates parameter to indicate geographic requests, passing the specific locations as latitude/longitude values.

For an even more concise effect, use the imperative:
Use the coordinates parameter to indicate geographic requests, passing the specific locations as latitude/longitude values.

#documentation #technical writing