
Jitsi 2.4 now released!

 Sat, 11 Jan 2014 13:16:37 +0100 
Need to set up my XMPP Server again and try this #Jitsi Videobridge.

Jitsi 2.4 now released! | News | Jitsi
Open Hangouts with #WebRTC, Jitsi Videobridge and COLIBRI A sample video demonstrating open video conferencing with Jitsi Videobridge and COLIBRI. The JavaScript application behind this demo was built by Philipp Hancke from Estos. It uses the COLIBRI protocol extension and XMPP MUCs for coordinating participants.
Jitsi 2.4 is now available for download. It comes with improved security, better audio quality, WebRTC compatibility, greatly improved chat room support and numerous other features and enhancements.