

 Mon, 23 Jun 2014 23:47:54 +0200 
Something to add to the cookbooks...

#^phpdbg | php debugger
phpdbg provides quick access to file contents with a listing facility, which understands what a method is ! Inspect and affect the environment after the execution of each opcode. Allow you to specify very precisely when to break execution. The power of PHP available to every command issued ! Detailed disassebmly enables precise debugging. Listing c...

#PHP #debug

Practical HTTP Host header attacks

 Wed, 04 Jun 2014 20:42:31 +0200 last edited: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 20:42:32 +0200  
You can trust really nothing. ;-)

#^Skeleton Scribe: Practical HTTP Host header attacks
How does a deployable web-application know where it is? Creating a trustworthy absolute URI is trickier than it sounds. Developers often resort to the exceedingly untrustworthy HTTP Host header (_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] in PHP). Even otherwise-secure applications trust this value enough to write it to the page without HTML-encoding it with code equi...


 Thu, 15 May 2014 22:04:19 +0200 
\o/ #html5

scratch-html5 - HTML 5 based Scratch project player

Devoxx4Kids Event in Köln

 Tue, 29 Apr 2014 14:34:46 +0200 
Devoxx4Kids kommt nach Köln im Juni.

#^Veranstaltungen | Devoxx4Kids Deutschland
Das Ziel der Devoxx4Kids ist, Kindern kreativeren Umgang mit Computern zu ermöglichen und ihnen mit Spaß das Programmieren bei zu bringen.

Functional PHP

 Fri, 21 Feb 2014 18:21:16 +0100 
Interesting slides, but I still feel strange when I see functions as parameters. ;-)

#^Functional PHP
How would you sum all the integers from one to ten? array('o', 'g', 'o') becomes array('P', 'H', 'P')...



 Tue, 26 Nov 2013 21:49:08 +0100 
Sounds interesting, but shipping not until august 2014 if the crowdfunding was successful.

Primo - Teaching programming logic to children age 4 to 7

Primo is a playful physical programming interface that teaches children programming logic without the need for literacy