

 Tue, 05 Jul 2016 17:45:29 +0200 
The #SELinux Common Intermediate Language (CIL) is designed to be a language that sits between one or more high level policy languages (such as the current module language) and the low-level kernel policy representation. The intermediate language provides several benefits:

Enables the creation of multiple high-level languages that can both consume and produce language constructs with more features than the raw kernel policy (e.g., interfaces). Pushing these features into CIL enables cross-language interaction.

Eases the creation of high-level languages, encouraging the creation of more domain specific policy languages (e.g., CDS Framework, Lobster, and Shrimp).

Provides a semantically rich representation suitable for policy analysis, allowing the analysis of the output of multiple high-level languages using a single analysis tool set without losing needed high-level information.