

 Wed, 28 Feb 2018 23:14:57 +0100 
#^Kathrin Hartmann - Die grüne Lüge | Blessing Verlag

Grüne Lügen - je absurder sie sind, desto bereitwilliger werden sie geglaubt

Aus der Zusammenarbeit mit Werner Boote, mit dem zusammen sie das Drehbuch für seinen Film "The Green Lie" (ab März 2018 in den Kinos) verfasste, in dem sie auch selbst mitwirkt, entstand dieses aufrüttelnde Buch.

Greenwashing, also das Bemühen der Konzerne, ihr schmutziges Kerngeschäft hinter schönen Öko- und Sozialversprechen zu verstecken, ist erfolgreicher denn je. Aber jenseits der grünen Scheinwelt schreitet die Zerstörung rapide fort. Laut dem Global Foodprint Network lebt die Weltbevölkerung derzeit so, als hätte sie 1,6 Erden zur Verfügung. Würden alle auf der Welt so konsumieren, wie es Menschen in reichen Ländern wie Deutschland tun, bräuchte es 3,1 Erden, um den "Bedarf" zu decken. Der Verbrauch pflanzlicher, mineralischer und fossiler Rohstoffe hat sich zwischen 1980 und 2010 von 40 auf 80 Milliarden Tonnen verdoppelt. Die Artenvielfalt nimmt ab, Wälder schwinden, Böden degradieren, Emission steigen und der Hunger wächst.

Alle wissen das. Trotzdem hält Greenwashing jedweder Aufklärung stand. Je gebildeter die Zielgruppe, je schädlicher das Produkt ist und je absurder das daran geknüpfte Öko-Versprechen, je offensichtlicher also die grüne Lüge ist, desto eher wird sie geglaubt.


 Sun, 25 Feb 2018 21:31:33 +0100 
Sehr interessante Dokumentation, welche auch die anderen Probleme gut darstellt.

#^Deutschland im Abgas-Stress

Schon seit 2010 schreibt eine EU-Richtlinie saubere Luft in unseren Städten zwingend vor. Doch die Luft ist schlecht. Der Diesel soll daran die Hauptschuld tragen. Kann das stimmen?


 Sat, 10 Feb 2018 23:54:34 +0100 
Eine sehr interessante Reportage. Das mit den alten Sorten war mir bekannt, aber dieses Konzept der Clubsorten kannte ich so noch nicht.

#^Der wahre Preis für den perfekten Apfel

Der Apfel ist das Lieblingsobst der Deutschen. 19 Kilo isst jeder im Jahr. Obwohl es 2000 Sorten gibt, landen nur wenige im Supermarkt. Der neueste Trend: der Apfel als Lifestyle-Produkt.


 Sun, 04 Feb 2018 23:43:03 +0100 
I think this concept is really interesting, but there are quite a few discrepancies in their statements and private customers seems not a desired audience unfortunately.

Aeroleaf - New World Wind
A breakthrough technology that potentiates diffuse energies
A proprietary technology that makes the ingenious bet to capitalize Watts to make kiloWatts. The Aeroleafs take the wind at 360° and because they are light and almost without inertia (direct drive), they can stick to the highly unstable wind curve in urban areas.

Proprietary Technology
The current is generated by a set of magnets (rotor) driven in rotation by the light which pass in front of a power circuit (stator). A fine regulation of the current produced in this way gives the system its full efficiency. Each Aeroleaf contains a microprocessor that calculates the voltage/current every 10 milliseconds to determine the optimal rotation speed for each sheet, which will be able to extract the maximum wind energy.

fact of nature?

 Sun, 28 Jan 2018 14:27:11 +0100 

#^Walnuts allowed to fall off tree, German court rules | News | DW | 27.01.2018

A Frankfurt court determined a woman who sued her neighbor for over €3,000 in damages to her car must reckon with nuts falling off trees. The neighbor's tree extended over her property due to a "statistical mistake."

A district court in Frankfurt ruled on Friday that walnuts were allowed to fall off trees, concluding that the annual autumnal occurrence could be traced back to "a fact of nature."
fake facts!!!

St. Lambertus church

 Bonn, GermanyFri, 12 Jan 2018 02:05:06 +0100 
#^Unused church torn down in Germany to make way for open-pit coal mine | News | DW | 10.01.2018

The church in the western German town of Immerath was one of the last major structures to remain standing. Residents have been resettled and the town will be devoured by a massive open-pit coal mine.


Too hot to be a guy

 Thu, 11 Jan 2018 00:59:56 +0100 
#^Boiled bats and iced iguanas: How extreme weather affects wildlife | Environment| All topics from climate change to conservation | DW | 10.01.2018

Heat waves in one part of the world, freezing blizzards in another — such weather extremes have a profound impact on wildlife as well. Here are some of the more surreal examples.

At least they're honest?

 Tue, 09 Jan 2018 23:15:26 +0100 
honest? WTF!?! :facepalm

#^Opinion: German coalition hopefuls drop climate goals | Opinion | DW | 09.01.2018

Preliminary grand coalition talks have just restarted, but already, the parties involved have given up the 2020 climate goals. It's a disaster for climate protection policy but also an opportunity, says DW's Jens Thurau.
 Wed, 13 Dec 2017 22:40:11 +0100 
#^Bitcoin energy boom stamps down colossal carbon footprint | DW Environment | DW | 13.12.2017

Few people use bitcoin to buy anything — but everyone pays for its environmental impact. Does mining the cryptocurrency actually consume more electricity than Ireland?

Massive mine

 Bonn, GermanySun, 26 Nov 2017 00:58:16 +0100 
This are sad news.

#^German activists lose bid to halt Hambach mine expansion | DW Environment | DW | 24.11.2017

An environmental group has failed in its legal bid to stop the controversial expansion of Germany's biggest lignite mine. Activists say the operation threatens the Hambach forest, home to a number of endangered species.

I am living on a hill in Bonn. On one side when looking down to the Rhine you can see the area where #COP23 took place. When you go to the other side you can spot the chimneys of these coal power plants. Would have been more honest if they would have build up the tent city for COP23 inside the open-pit mine. Enough space would have been there.

It is fascinating that employees get told that the changing conditions forces them to accept more and more flexible and liberal working conditions, but these same corporations insist on plans from the 1970s to dig a hole until 2045 despite the fact that coal must phase out soon and alternative technologies evolve with a rapid speed and could even faster if efforts would get accelerated. For sure it will not last until 2045. If markets would work I would say that we might be lucky and they are bankrupt before the last part of the forest got harvested, but I don't believe this will happen.

Bonn's prehistoric residents

 Bonn, GermanySun, 19 Nov 2017 19:37:08 +0100 
An interesting article

#^How would Bonn's prehistoric residents have seen the COP23 climate summit? | News | DW | 18.11.2017

How would Bonn's prehistoric residents have viewed the UN's climate conference from their clifftop lookout over the Rhine? Looking back 14,000 years, Ian Johnson offers a different perspective on Earth’s climate drama.



 Sat, 18 Nov 2017 13:56:13 +0100 
#^Our addiction to growth is harming the climate | DW Environment | DW | 17.11.2017

We must wean ourselves off unsustainable economic growth if we are to cut greenhouse gas emissions and avoid catastrophic climate change, say some economists. But what are the alternatives to growth?

It was evident to see the last weeks that a vast majority of German politicians does not believe there is any alternative to economic growth and reject categorical to even accept to think about alternatives.

Conspicuously absent

 Bonn, GermanyFri, 17 Nov 2017 00:30:34 +0100 
#^COP23: Canada and UK launch anti-coal alliance in Bonn | DW Environment | DW | 16.11.2017

Twenty countries and two US states have joined the "Powering Past Coal" alliance at the penultimate day of the UN climate summit, promising phase-outs. Conspicuously absent from that list: Germany.

 Thu, 16 Nov 2017 00:03:50 +0100 
#^Who fights hardest for the climate? | DW Environment | DW | 15.11.2017

Many countries like to portray themselves as greener than they actually are. Others turn out to be unexpected climate champions. The Climate Change Performance Index reveals the truth about emissions and energy policies.

lobbying at UN climate summits

 Bonn, GermanySat, 11 Nov 2017 00:54:56 +0100 
#^COP23: Corporations and lobbyists welcome in Bonn | DW Environment | DW | 10.11.2017

Companies have a lot on the line at the Bonn climate summit - which is why they insert themselves into the negotiations. In the second installment of the COP Secret series, DW investigates lobbying at UN climate summits.


Irreführung der Öffentlichkeit

 Sat, 11 Nov 2017 00:18:31 +0100 
Eine sehr interessante Doku.

#^Die geheimen Machenschaften der Ölindustrie – Wie Konzerne den Klimawandel vertuschen

Ein Film von Johan von Mirbach

Zwei Staatsanwaltschaften und mehrere Counties in den USA haben Ermittlungen gegen Exxon und andere Ölfirmen aufgenommen - wegen gezielter Irreführung der Öffentlichkeit beim Thema Klimawandel. Die Story deckt diesen Täuschungsversuch auf und geht Hinweisen nach, dass auch in Deutschland zweifelhafte Studien veröffentlich wurden.

Seit Donald Trump US-Präsident ist, gibt es eine neue und zugleich alte Sicht auf den weltweiten Klimawandel im Weißen Haus. Gute Zeiten für Ölfirmen wie Exxon und Shell, die seit 60 Jahren wissenschaftliche Studien und Kampagnen finanzieren, die den Klimawandel bis heute kleinreden. Neue Dokumente beweisen: Diese Firmen wussten seit 1957, dass das Verbrennen fossiler Brennstoffe das Klima verändert – eigene, streng geheim gehaltene Forschungen hatten das ergeben.

political will

 Bonn, GermanyFri, 10 Nov 2017 00:49:20 +0100 
#^Can we live in a world without fossil fuels? | DW Environment | DW | 09.11.2017

Is it possible to fulfill all our global energy needs with renewables only? And which technologies work best to help us transition to a world without fossil fuels? Scientists give answers at #COP23.

A shopping bag that you can drink?

 Tue, 07 Nov 2017 00:31:06 +0100 
#^A shopping bag that you can drink? | All media content | DW | 06.11.2017

A Bali-based company is producing sustainable alternatives to plastic that are made entirely from renewable resources. You can even drink their shopping bags, which are made from cassava root.

Bigger, greener... better?

 Bonn, GermanySun, 05 Nov 2017 14:47:11 +0100 
Germany will shrink by the size of eight football fields the next two weeks. o_O

#^Climate conference the 23rd: Bigger, greener ... better? | DW Environment | DW | 04.11.2017

The UN city of Bonn is getting ready to host the global climate conference. With just a few days before the start of #COP23, what do participants, activists and residents expect?

They will serve vegetarian organic food from the region.
 Bonn, GermanySat, 04 Nov 2017 23:24:20 +0100 
#^COP23: Thousands protest German coal use ahead of UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn | DW Environment | DW | 04.11.2017

Just days before the UN Climate Conference is due to get underway, thousands of people have protested in Bonn demanding Germany immediately phase-out its use of coal.
